The start screen shows a blank list of camera.
You can click the ╋ button on the top-right corner to add first camera.
1.1 Scanning MediCam
1.2 Found a new MediCam
Click on the new MediCam to continue...
2.1 Connecting
2.2 Connected, discovering services...
2.3 Service discovered, checking network status...
2.4 To join MediCam's WiFi network...
Click on "Join MediCam's network" to continue...
3.1 iPhone prompt dialog to confirm joining network.
Click on "Join" to continue.
3.2 Joining network...
3.3 Connected to MediCam.
Click on "Preview video" to continue.
4.1 Loading...
4,2 Connected.
Edit name and click "Save & Finish" to continue.
Returned to start screen with the newly added MediCam in the list.
The last screenshot shows the control for manual focus.
Third screenshot shows browsing media files in MediCam. This is available by clicking "Manage Photo and Video" on the second screenshot.
Click on the "menu" icon on the top-left corner to open drawer.
1 Click on "Login Google Account" to login
2 Select Google account (or use another account)
3 Enter password
4 Allow MediCam App to access your Google account.
5 Logged in.
1.1 Scanning MediCam
1.2 Found a new MediCam that's not yet configured (not connected)
2.1 Connecting
2.2 Connected, discovering services...
2.3 Service discovered, checking network status...
2.4 MediCam is not connected to WiFi network.