MediCam App User's Guide

Start Screen 

The start screen shows a blank list of camera.


You can click the ╋ button on the top-right corner to add first camera. 

Easy Setup

Easy Setup: Step 1

1.1 Scanning MediCam


1.2 Found a new MediCam


Click on the new MediCam to continue... 

Easy Setup: Step 2

2.1 Connecting


2.2 Connected, discovering services...

Easy Setup: Step 2 (continue)

2.3 Service discovered, checking network status...


2.4 To join MediCam's WiFi network...


Click on "Join MediCam's network" to continue... 

Easy Setup: Step 3

3.1 iPhone prompt dialog to confirm joining network.


Click on "Join" to continue. 


3.2 Joining network...


3.3 Connected to MediCam.


Click on "Preview video" to continue. 

Easy Setup: Step 4

4.1 Loading...


4,2 Connected.


Edit name and click "Save & Finish" to continue. 

Easy Setup: Done

Returned to start screen with the newly added MediCam in the list. 


Portrait View 

The last screenshot shows the control for manual focus.

Landscape View


Camera Settings / Media Files


Third screenshot shows browsing media files in MediCam. This is available by clicking "Manage Photo and Video" on the second screenshot.

Drawer Menu / Google Login

Cloud-based features requires MediCam to run in Normal connection mode.


Click on the "menu" icon on the top-left corner to open drawer.


1 Click on "Login Google Account" to login


2 Select Google account (or use another account)


3 Enter password 


4 Allow MediCam App to access your Google account.


5 Logged in.


Advanced: Easy Setup - Station Mode

Easy Setup: Station Mode, Step 1

1.1 Scanning MediCam


1.2 Found a new MediCam that's not yet configured (not connected)

Easy Setup: Station Mode, Step 2

2.1 Connecting


2.2 Connected, discovering services...

Easy Setup: Station Mode, Step 2

2.3 Service discovered, checking network status...


2.4 MediCam is not connected to WiFi network.