Head-Mounted Wireless Camera

FM-105/ HS
Camera + Loupe (Option)
FM-105 Introduction
Case Report
The Jikei University school of Medicine Division of Vascular Surgery, Professor

Takao Ohki, M, D., Ph.D.
The FASMEDO wireless headlight camera (hereinafter referred to as FASMEDO) developed by Faspro Systems Inc. is unlike conventional headlight cameras, reason being the camera and light are mounted above the surgeon's line of sight, making it possible to share in real-time, the same operative field with the operating team.
Passing on the fascination of surgery with wireless headlight camera


Benefits to Doctor

Key Features
- Wireless 802.11b/g/n Camera
- Instant Auto focus lens (5cm ~ 70cm)
- View Angel(Magnification Times): 6x, 3x or 2x
- 3 levels of ledlamp intensity LED:
- FM-105HS: 25,000 Lux / 13,000 Lux / 6,000 Lux
- FM-105: 10,000 Lux / 7,500 Lux / 5,000 Lux
- Color Temperature: 5500K
- High-quality video(FHD) resolution with audio(ACC)
- Operating with
- Companion APPs(WIN10, iOS, Android)
- Bluetooth foot pedal for recording and picturing
- Store video into internal memory(128GB)
- Live streaming by WiFi through Fasmedo cloud(AWS server)
- Long working time: 3~5 hours
Doctor Eye-View Recording

working distance: 30cm
Great Depth of Field

LED & Camera View Alignment
LED Spotlight guide the recording area

Field of View



working distance: 30cm
Loupe Spec.

FM-105 Function Videos
FM-105 unboxing
Live Broadcast with Windows App
Live Broadcast with Smart Device
Use Cases
Dental (1)
Dental (2)
Dental (3)